To help leaders improve outcomes, impact, and value, LNW has developed an array of frameworks that provide not only a leadership guide to organizational transformation, but also a strategy map for adopting and pacing innovation.

The Human Services Value Curve

To help human services leaders make progress on their capacity-building journey, Leadership for a Networked World reviewed best practices and worked with practitioners as part of the Human Services Summit at Harvard University to develop a framework referred to as the “Human Services Value Curve.” As an organization advances along the curve, the enabling business models support new horizons of outcomes.

The Human Services Value Curve is not a one-size fits all solution, but rather a framework to help leaders envision and create a path for their organization. In addition, the levels of the Human Services Value Curve are fluid, meaning that you may see your organization at various levels depending on the program.

The Public Sector Uptake and Edge Matrix

To facilitate the transformational process Leadership for a Networked World worked with leading government practitioners, policymakers, and subject matter experts to develop the Public Sector Uptake and Edge Matrix. This organizing framework can help leaders as they negotiate transformational change. By plotting enterprise-wide change efforts, leaders can better assess how quickly or slowly to enact changes, how broadly or narrowly to implement changes, and if transformations will be more successful if they are positioned as “top down” or “bottom-up” efforts.

This matrix, which measures the sophistication and pervasiveness of new operational models, is intended as a guide to help leaders chart a course for their organization. By identifying both where their organizations fall on the matrix and where innovations under consideration fall, leaders can focus their efforts accordingly and employ the most effective strategies to accelerate continuous and multi-faceted enterprise-wide transformation

The Nudge Loop

A vital new strategy for achieving a new level of innovation is the utilization of “nudges” in government operations and services. “Nudges,” per Nobel Prize-winning-economist Richard Thaler and Harvard Law School Professor Cass Sunstein, are “methods of augmenting the design of the environment in which people make decisions in order to improve individual and societal outcomes.” Nudges, per Thaler and Sunstein, “shift behaviors that maintain freedom of choice, but have the potential to make people healthier, wealthier and happier."

The convergence of behavioral economics, data and analytics, and design thinking enables leaders to create a “nudge loop” that helps inform the innovation needed to improve citizen-centric public value and outcomes. This new formula for innovation not only enables, but also accelerates, the power of nudges in public sector programs and services.

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